Saturday, December 20, 2014

Beauty, love, and courage


Hello there everyone, and welcome to my blog. Whether you have arrived at this blog directly through me or someone passed this blog address along to you, I'm glad to have you here and welcome you.

To give you just a bit of background information: I'm a 32-year-old woman hailing from Milwaukee, WI but currently living in the mountains of the city of Los Angeles. I work in the environmental field and consider myself to be an adventurous spirit and kindhearted woman.

These past few years have brought me a lot of pain and a lot of trouble and a lot of feelings of anxiety uncertainty. I found myself trapped in the position of not knowing how to fix the situation anymore and when the times got really rough I wasn't sure that I cared to fix the situation anymore. Through the various walks of life I was lucky enough to have the right people walk into my life LITERALLY and figuratively and introduce me to a new type of therapy that some people Refer to as an  Enthiogens. Before my life was saved I had a complete and total nervous breakdown.

If you're reading this blog I suggest that you take the time to do your own reading on the use of psychedelic medication and healing in therapy. I will be uploading some therapy sessions that I have done on my own and must warn you that I swear, I talk about uncomfortable things, I refer to people in my life. I ask that you respect that the blog for what it is and what I hope it can be. I hope that it can bring strength to those who need it and whether it be through a reflection of my own experience or just the hope that in time these things will come to you, I want this to be a place of healing and a safe place. You can always trust me and feel free to reach out to me through the blog. Again, welcome and enjoy. Namaste. ❤️